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Robert Pruvenok Accepted to NSA REU |
Remember the NSA Research Experience for Undergrads? I advertised it
down below. Robert Pruvenok applied to it and was
accepted. The next day he received 28 pages to fill out for his
security clearence. That paperwork is now in, and a polygraph test has
to be scheduled.
Yes, this REU requires an security clearence. It is the National Security Agency after all. This REU admits many times the number of slots availible, presumably because the attrition rate due to the 28 pages, arriving at Thanksgiving time, and the polygraph test, will dissuade many people from following through. I certainly hope that Robert gets through the whole process. The REU promises to be quite interesting. As for the rest of you, especially juniors, deadlines for many REUs fall in January and February of next year. I'll be telling you about those early next term. | ||||
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How to Apply for NSF Grad Fellowships |
Evans Harrell, the GT Graduate Advisor, got talked into writing a piece for Math Horizons, the undergraduate magazine published by the Mathematical Association of America. Evans got together with me, the Undergrad Advisor, and our article is now publicly availible . | ||||
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GT, Mathematics, and Double Majors |
In Mathematics, we have a very large percentage of double
majors, about 40 of 135 or so majors. A very recent tally of the
majors, their second major, is kept at the email
page. Scroll down to the bottom to see some stats.
As these 40 majors can tell you, the commitment to a second degree is substantial: It requires that they meet all degree requirements plus an additional 36 hours! That is, a second degree is two 18 hour semesters of additional course work. These majors who pursue this path are gaining not only certification of a high degree of proficiency in their fields, but taking an addtional year of courses, typically at the senior level. But, as I recently found out, at UGA, it is quite easy to aquire a second degree. There is no additional hour requirement. You simply fullfill the degree requirements, taking some care to fit all the required courses into your four years of study. Not only that, but the trend to multiple degrees is exploding. Some students are now aquiring four degrees--at universities that do not have GT's hour requirement obviously. For example, at UC Berkeley, the Chair of Mathematics has announced with pride that he tripled the number of math majors, from about 150 to about 450, mostly by promoting the second major. It is a striking increase. Yet, I'll bet that there is no hour requirement on the second major, and that Berkeley Math was simply riding a national trend. Our double majors are crossing a much higher bar than those of most other universities. So, when these majors are leaving GT, they should be sure to point out this higher standard so that they can receive credit for their accomplishment. In the same way, Profs at GT, writing letters of recomendation, should point out this higher standard. |
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Nathan Bell's Senior Project on Computer Graphics |
The Senior Project (Math 4080/4090) is a requirement for
Discrete Math majors, and availible to all GT undergraduates as well.
The senior project can be what ever is agreed to between the student and faculty sponsor. A student can have a project in mind, and seek a sponsor. Or the student can select a sponsor, who then selects the project. In either case, it an opportunity to explore a topic outside of the structure of a classroom, or textbook. This has all worked very well for Nathan Bell, currently working on a project in Computer Graphics, with Professor Mucha as the sponsor. Nathan begain with the the idea of modeling balls falling down a slo pe, and Professor Mucha has modified the project to handling sand falling in an hourglass. The project has progressed very well, and promises to develop into a quite impressive bit of applied mathematics and coding. Nathan has generously let me include a statement of his. Be sure to follow the links down at the bottom to get to his pics.
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Ten Students apply for NSF Grad Student Fellowships |
Ten Georgia Tech Math students have applied
for the NSF Graduate Studies Fellowships, up from goose egg last
Nine of the ten students are current students: Brandon Meredith, Yakov Kerzhner, David Skoog, Blair Dowling, Nathan Bell, Clark Alexander, Ganesh Sundramoorthi, Alan Michaels, and Roberto Lopez. Several of these students have contributed their essays, as example jumping off points for next year's juniors. The eleventh student is Andy Wand, who parlayed a GT REU into admission and support for Math Graduate School at Berkeley. First year grad students can apply for the NSF support! Topics on the research proposals part of the applications ranged from engineering and statistics, to pure math, to computer science (two differnt approaches to compiling, and computer graphics). Some of these same students can make applications to the Computational Science Fellowships, with deadline in January. There has been even more activity, with Clark Alexander, Blair Dowling, David Eger, and Alan Michaels preparing additional applications for other fellowships. David Eger has applied for a Fulbright to do graduate work in Budapest. The other three have prepared applications for "prestige" fellowships, e.g. Rhoades Fellow. Blair Dowling and Alan Michaels have interviews for the Marshal Fellowships, for graduate work in Britian, on Nov. 21.
Juniors: Want to get a heads up on Grad School applications? Follow Mason Porter's advice and take the GRE subject and general tests in the Spring semester. You have already learned the math that appears on the subject test--some of it is Calculu s, for example--and that will give you a little more time during the fall term, plus the opportunity to retake the exam if you are not happy with the score. |
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Hynd, Lopez and Elms presented paper at Salt Lake City Regional AMS Meeting |
Ryan Hynd, Roberto Lopez and Jeffrey Elms have
completed research with Professor McCuan, and the weekend of Oct 24,
they flew to Salt Lake City to present their paper. The meeting was a
regional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, and they spoke in
the session devoted to sopa bubbles and other minimal surfaces.
The paper concerns a question that goes back to the origins of soap film type experiments. Take a viscous liquid, like an oil, and spin it in a weightless environment. Carrying out this experiment yields a very broad range of possible shapes that the oil drop can take. The paper has two components, first characterize the profiles that the drop can take as solutions to a certain differential equation, and second carry out this experiment. By all accounts the presentation was very good, and well received. Roberto Lopez wrote to me the following message. From Tue Oct 29 14:49:31 2002 |
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Practice Democracy by Contributing to the Math Majors CoWeb |
Professor Tom Morely has set up a Math
Majors Coweb
site , and Blair Dowling has uploaded a large number of pictures
from the first Meet the Majors lunch at the beginning of this
What is a CoWeb? It is a site editable by anyone and everyone. So it is democracy in action, and generally more useful the more people who use it. So check it out. |
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Undergrad Lunch in Skiles 236, Math Lounge, Oct 29, 11:30-1pm |
The second Undergrad Lunch for the Mathematics Majors is coming up, in the middle of advising for Spring Semester. Time and place as in the headline. For pics of the last one, scroll down, or even better, go to the new coweb site | ||||
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Mercer Human Resource Consulting, a national actuarial firm, Holding Open House, Inviting Math Majors |
An Atlanta based Actuarial Firm is seeking Math Majors to
attend their open house on October 21. Contact Michael Lacey to reserve
your spot.
Actuarial Science is a significant part of the Insurance Industry, a heavily quantitative field, for which mathematics serves as an excellent training for student to move into this field. Here is their message to me, forwarded to all math majors:
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Blair Dowling to meet College of Science Board |
Applied Math major Blair Dowling will meet with the College
of Science Advisory Board on October 26. The theme of the meeting is to
be "50 Years of Women in Sciences at Georgia Tech."
The Advisory Bo ard consists of graduates of the College of Science who have gone on to significant positions of leadership in sciences and industry. One of the members of the board is an Applied Math major, now CEO of Greyhound Buses. Invited to speak to the Board at this meeting are four women. An early alumni Jean RAY BS '65, the first femail chemistry major at Georgia Tech. A current faculty member of the College of Science. A recent student is Katie Saliba, an NSF graduate fellow at Cal Tech. And the current student is Blair Dowling. These four women will have a 10-15 minute discussion with the Board about their experiences at Georgia Tech and how that has shaped their career development and personal experiences. Blair is a double major in Math and Computer Science, as well as a minor in Economics. She has taken on a number of leadership roles on campus. And so is a great choice to speak to the Board. |
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New Class Info is Updated. |
Sorry, it is not all new courses. At the undergraduate level, in the Spring 03 semester, there will be a special topics course in Quantum Information Theory, taught by Professor Bellisard. The link will be updated as more information becomes availible. | ||||
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New Web Page Geared for Mathematics Majors |
The American Mathematical Society has a newly revamped
web page filled with information for undergraduates.
The American Mathematical Society an important nationwide organization to promote Mathematical Research nationwide. This web site has links for |
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Oct 30: Fellowship Bang it out Evening for Seniors |
Seniors: Mark your calendars for an evening of
Fellowshipapplications. Wednesday October 30, I'll host a Bang it Out
Session onthe NSF Graduate Fellowship. 5-7pm. Room to be announced.
That is about 8 days before the Deadline of Nov 7. A good bit of the Fellowship application material can be submittedover the web. So expect to be using the Undergrad Lab that evening. We'llhave another room to hold bull/Pizza session on the Plans of Research andPrevious Research Experience. Why hold it? 'Cause off the top of my head I can think of about10 of you that should apply for this Fellowship. many applicants will be stuckon the "Previous Research Experience" and "Research Program" Statements. Let's get on past these things! Here is more more detailed info about theFellowships: I'll see you there. BTW, I won't be around during the next three weeks or so. I'll be in Europe. Got a position in at a University in Paris. But that doesn't mean that I won't be posting some blogs :-) |
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Ryan Hynd will be a FACES Scholar |
Ryan Hynd is named a FACES Scholar for the 2002-03academic
year. FACES
stands for Facilitating Academic Careers in Engineeringand Science.
It is a a collaborative effort between the College ofEngineering
and College of Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology,
Morehouse College, and Spelman College designed to significantly
increasethe number of African American students receiving doctoral
degrees inengineering and science fields and ultimately increase the
number ofthese individuals entering the professoriate.
The FACES program has undergrad and grad components. The undergradcomponent description is: Undergraduates, who are upperclassmen in the Collegesof Computing, Science and Engineering are solicited to apply to the FACESUndergraduate Scholars Research Program. As a FACES scholar, the studentsperform research under the supervision of an academic faculty member. Anominal effort of 10 hours per week is expected for which the student willreceive a stipend of $1000/semester. As part of the research experience,each participant is expected to complete a report summarizing the resultsof their research and prepare a final presentation in the spring semester. The program offers talen ted undergraduate students the opportunity to becomeinvolved in research in the hope that t! hey will be motivated to pursue graduateeducation. While the program offers the students the obvious advantagesof early exposure to research, it offers participating faculty the opportunityto mentor promising students and gain assistance with research. Ryan was also a participant in last summer's REU program, in whichhe conducted research in the ACE Lab. There is moreabout Ryan below. |
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Discrete Math Majors: Don't neglect DifferentialEquations! |
The Discrete and Applied Math degree programs differin
several ways. One of them is that Differential Equations M2403, is
notrequired for the Discrete Math degree. Good thing or bad thing?
Readon before making up your mind.
For most majors, that seems OK. Recently, however, I have talkedto two D-Math majors, who are graduating soon, and reasons for feelingsorry that they haven't taken Differential equations. (What a drag to besenior taking a 2000 level math course. Unless it is Honors Diff Eq!) Oneis looking to go into genomics and biology. The other is doing his seniorproject under Professor Mucha in computer graphics--which uses all the math it can to make the graphics computable and interesting. Each year, the Technique publishes "100 Things To Do Before LeavingGT." And every year one item is "Understand what differential equations arefor." A wide variety of physical phenomena can be understood in terms oftheir local changes, but exhibit very rich behavior at larger scales. Justthink of the weather. Di! fferential equations turn out to be excellent descriptorsof these phenomena. That is reason enough to take the course. |
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Ryan Hynd Receives Presidental Undergraduate Research Award |
Ryan Hynd, a junior in Applied Math, has received a
Presidental Undergraduate Research Award to carry out a project in
the School ofPhysics this semester. The supervising professor is Li You.
They will study the thermalization of a uniformly distributed
classicalgas that has been placed in a harmonic (potential) trap.
Ryan also participated in the REU program this past summer, working in the ACE Lab. And he will be traveling to Salt Lake City in October to present a paper that resulted from the REU. The PresidentalUndergraduate Research Award are competitively funding individual requests by a faculty/student team for funds to be used to support undergraduatestudent involvement in faculty research. The main thrusts of theseawards will be for student salaries, material & supplies needed for student research, and travel expenses for undergraduates to attend professionalmeetings to give presentations. See the web site above for more information, and a list of other Undergraduate Research opportunities. The next b! ig opportunity in the School of Mathematics will be the Summer VIGRE/GT Research Experience for Undergraduates program. Past information on that program is at this site and will be updated shortly. |
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P utnam Exam Practice Sessions: Monday 4:30-6 in Skiles 140 |
The William Lowell Putnam Exam is an annual competition, on
the first saturday in December. Approximately 3000 undergraduates take
the exam each year. The consists of two 3 hours sessions, with 6
problems in each session. Each problem is worth 10 points. More
than halfof the exam takers score a zero. You need to practice to do
well on this exam.
Each university can select a team to represent it. Prizes are offered for the top teams, and best individua l test takers. Over the 60 years of the exam, many of the top participants have gone on to bright careers in mathematics and the sciences in general. Several have gone on to win the Nobel prize in Physics. Each year, Professor Wang runs weekly problem sessions to practice for the Putnam. Last year, the GT team placed 23rd out of 453 teams. Two takers, Anup Rao and Billy Fransico, scored 41 points, putting them at 143rd among all exam takers. Details are on last semester's blog. A history of most of the prize winners is availible as the Mathematical Association of America website. !The MAA also offers a book of problem solutions. (The authors of this book are no slakers!) The current competition committee consists of : Three of these, Granville, Pomerance, and Klosinski, are top numbertheorists. James Prop made it into last semesters Blog with a fiendish self-referential exam. Some of the majors claimed that I was trying to sabatoge their degrees by pointing this out to them during finals week.
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Brandon Meredith Continues His Stay in France |
Brandon Meredith begain his stay in France with study abroad
in France, and last semester reported back on the different
styleof french mathematics. The French way has much to recommend
it: They have done quite well in the Fields Medal awards over the
last! fewyears. Brandon writes "Right now I am interning near
Versaillesin a research institute called LIVIC, which is a laboratory
that works withINRETS and LCPC (larger public research institutes in
France). The lab isworking on a pan-European project to make cars
drive autonomously. Specifically,I'm working on incorporating Bayesian
networks (an amalgam of prob/statsand graph theory) into a sensor data
fusion system. The working environment is wonderful, and the subject
is very interesting (if not somewhat sci-fi). I started working in
August, and I'll be here until December.
The "Bayesian networks" that I'm working on now are very interesting and have a very promising future. I was thinking about applying for theNSF fellowship with a question in BNs. It's a subject that came out aboutonly 10 years ago, it's developing a large following very quickly, and itsits astride subjects as far reaching as philosophy, the social sciences, computer science, and of course, mathematics (which should meet the NSF's 'broader impacts criterion'). I still plan on coming back to GaTech in the spring semester and graduating at the end of it.
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ACE Lab Group to Report on Results |
The Ace Lab group of undergraduates Ryan Hynd, Jeff Elms,
Roberto Lopez, and Professor McCuan have completed a research project
begun this past summer under the School of Mathematics Research
Experience for Undergraduates. All three undergraduates will travel
to Salt Lake City, Utah, in October, to report t! he findings.
The ACE Lab only recently constructed, is a Lab in the School of Math, designed to enhance the education of undergraduates and graduates by combining elements of experiment, theory and modelling. Follow the link above for a nice view of some pictures of recent experiments taken by the lab's high speed camera. Currently, the Honors Differential Equations course is taught with a ACE lab component,and a graduate course, Industrial Mathematics. All three students worked long hours in the ACE Lab this past summer. A key experiment involved suspending an oil drop at the end of a rod in a water solution, and then rotating the rod. The oil drop initially moves in a centrally symmetric fashion, but some surprising shapes evolve! Just check out the movie that opens up the ACE Lab web page above. I include the abstract of the ACE Lab report:
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Meet the Math Majors Very Well Attended |
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Nick Bronn is Heading to Cambridge |
(Aug 2002) Nick Bronn, an Applied
Mathgraduate from August 2001, was back on campus just for a day
recently.He won the Gates Cambridge Fellowship, which he will! use to
study Mathematical Physics at Cambridge University in England. He was
back on campus to seeold friends. One person he wanted to see was
Amanda Gable, who was a bighelp to him in preparing his application for
this prestigious award.
Nick graduated with a BS in Applied Math, one in Physics, anda Masters in Electrical Engineering. For more information about him, see last semester's blog. |
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Study Abroad? Start Planning Now! |
A Study Abroad Semester can be a highlight of
your undergraduate education. And there are three excellent
opportunities totake part in one of these programs, and have an
intensive education in mathematics too. The opportunities are in
Budapest, Moscow and far away College Park, Pennsylvania.
If you participate in any of these programs, Professors Laceyand Steinbart will work with you to count these courses as transfer credit,so that your graduation date will not be postponed. We want you to takeadvantage of these opportunities. Budapest Hungary has produced a large number of excellent mathematicians, makingthis a program with excellent promise. David Eger has taken part in the semester there, so you have excellent opportunity to learn more about the program. Moscow has also produced an astonishing number of mathematicians, and before the break up of the Soviet Union, had one of the most accomplished math education programs in the world. A semester in Moscow would add a great deal to your math education. There are Grantsavailablefor this study abroad! Our major Elizabeth Sanders is attending thisprogram for the Fall Semester, and she was awarded one of the fellowships as well. The deadline for the for Spring Semester in Moscow is Sept. 30, and for the fall semester April 15. You can travel to Penn State University for an excellent intensive semester in mathematics. The Mass Program offers small classes, lead by world experts in topics like combinatorics and dynamical systems.
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Professor Thomas Cont! ributes to Solution of Perfect Graph Conjecture |
The Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture}, a seminal problem in
graph theory has been solved by Georgia Tech's Professor Robin Thomas,
Paul Seymour and Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton); and Neil Robertson (Ohio
State). ThisConjecture had been posed 40 years ago, the distinguished
French mathematicianClaude Berge. He wa
s informed of the resolution of
his conjecture justshortly before his death. Research on this question
has been funded bythe American Institute of Mathematics.
A Graph is perfect if for each induced subgraph the chromaticnumber of the graph is equal to the size of the largest clique. The chormatic number of a graph is the smallest number of colors needed to assign each vertex of the graph a color, so that no two vertices that are connectedby an edge have the same color. A clique is the a subset of verticies so that any two verticies are connected by an edge. In graph theory speak, the induced graph iscomplete. In a clique, every vertex must have it's own color, since itis connected to every other vertex in the clique. So the chromatic numberis always as big as the largest clique. Now, identifying perfect graphs is not easy, as the chromatic number is notoriously difficult to compute. (This common experience is even thebasis of some cryptographic routines.) The Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture (now Theorem) characterizes prefect graphs in much simplier terms, those of a cycle whose lengthis an odd integer at least 5. A cycle is simply a path that starts andends at the same point without visiting any vertex twice. Such graphs arenot perfect! The chromatic number of a pentagon is three, and the clique! size is 2. In the other direction, if you take a the complementary graph to one of these cycles, it is also not perfect. The Strong Perfect Graph Theorem says that the graph is perfect if neither it nor it's complement contains an induced subgraph that is a cycle of odd length of at least 5. Perfect graphs have connections to a wide variety of issues,from coding theory to integer programing. The Strong Perfect Graph Theoremwill likely provide further advances on these subjects. Professor Thomas is a full professor at Georgia Tech. He teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate level on combinatorics, and has a very strong record in training both undergraduates and graduates in mathematics. |
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Primality Testing in Polynomial Time |
In a very striking paper that is being
welcomedas a very important breakthrough, three Indian Mathematicians
have constructed an algorithm that tests the primality of a given
integer n that is deterministic, and runs in time that is polynomial in
log n. The mathematicians areby Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal and
Nitin Saxena of the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. And
their nine page paper is easy
to read.
Algorithms to test primality have great current interest due to the wide spread use of cryptographic routines such as the RSA encryption method. This method is not secure if one can quickl! y factor a large integer. Known methods of factoring and previous methods to test primality havefrequently relied on heuristics arising from the time tested observationthat primes obey certain laws characteristic of random variables. Thusthe algorithms have a non--deterministic running time, and have a smallprobability of not returning an answer. The current algorithm runs in time given by (log n)^k, wherek<=12. And the authors suggest that k could be as small as 6. It isnot clear that the algorithm provides a factorization, which is after allasking for more information. Current implementations of RSA use integers with log n about 1028. This raised to the 6th power would be about 10^18. This time, while large, is still much smaller than the best factorization algorithms, which run in super polynomial time. |
Professor W. T. Trotter is the new Chair of the School of Mathematics |
We welcome Professor William T.
Trotteras the new Chair of the School of Mathematics. Professor
Trotter was aVice-Provost and Regent's Professor at Arizona State
University. His firstposition at Arizona was Chair of the Mathematics
Department, and beforethat he was Chair of the Mathematics Department
at the Univeristy of SouthCarolina at Columbia.
His research specialization is in Combinatorics, and in particular Partially Ordered Sets. He has descriptions of some of open problems he is interested in on his home web page. One of the reasons that Professor Trotter took the Chairs position was the strong committmen! t the facultyhad to teaching and interacting with the undergraduates at Georgia Tech.H e is eager to meet these undergraduates. It could be that some majorwill be learning more about one of his open problems next summer in theSchool's Research Experience for Undergraduates program. He takes over the position from the Interim Chair, Professor Richard Duke, who served for four years. During this period, the Schoolcontinued a vigorous hiring campaign. He played a key role in winning theVIGRE/GT grant last year. And secured the funds to form the ACE Lab, the laboratory that combines Algorithms, Computation and Experiments, with some modeling too. |
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We Welcome 25 Entering Freshmen Math Majors |
The entering class has 25 entering
freshmanApplied and Discrete Math majors. This i
s twice the entering
freshmenmath majors from last year. Among these students, 12 are
women. These25 students have an average SAT score of 1365, with most
of that from theMath score, of course. Six scored 790 or 800 on the
Math portion on theSAT, and of these, half are women. And there was
only one who scored aperfect 1600 among these 25. You go girl!
Most of the freshmen will be at the "Meet the Majors" event on September 3rd. (Details are below.) Come by to introduce yourself to introduce yourself to the newbies, and fill them in on the kool things they can dowhile studying here. !Besides the Freshman, there are also new Math majors who have switched, or are pursing double majors. We'll try to get them to be at the "Meet the Majors" event as well. |
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Applying for Grad School Workshop, 11 am, Tuesday Aug 20th, Skiles 255 |
All interested Math majors, but especially the
juniors and seniors are encouraged to attend the "Applying for Grad
School Seminar" lead by Professor Lacey and Amanda Gable of the Graduate
School at Georgia Tech.
There are great reasons to attend graduate school, and a wide range options for graduate school. We will go over some of them, supplying some guidelines for helping applicants narrow their search for graduate school. Most of you will not be paying for grad school. There are Teaching Assistants, and Fellowships for graduate school. We will go over some of these possibilities as well. Some fellowship deadlines fall early in the Fall semester, and the applications can take some time to organize. Both I and Amanda Gable can help with that process. Follow the Grad School links for some information right now. |
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Meet the Math Majors, Tuesday, September 3, 11-1am, Math Lounge, Second Floor of Skiles |
Each semester the unde! rgraduate math club
hoststhe "Meet the Math Majors" event. This year, it is being co-hosted
by theSchool of Mathematics. And we have a special inducement for the
freshmenmath majors to show up. (It's an assignment for their PSYC 1
000 course!)
Come by, socialize, and catch up. |
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National Security Agency REU program, with an October 15 deadline |
The National Security Agency is the US
Goverment's top cryptography agency, and the largest single employer
of mathematicians in the world. They have a Research Experience of
Undergraduates programfor the summer of 2003, that is right next summer,
with a very early deadline, of October 15. Here is the announcement.