Georgia Tech Undergraduate Mathematics

Some Math Links

Keywords: Mathematician's Web Pages, Math Societies , Study Abroad , Online Books , TeX Support , Putnam Exam

Some Mathematician's Cool Web Pages

Some mathematicians have more than research and past exams on their pages. Here is a few to get a list started.
Herb Wilf, combinatoralist Terry Tao, Analysis Tim Gowers, Analysis, Additive No Theory
Check out the Very Short Introduction Page
Doron Zeilberger, Combinatorialist
Check out the Opinion Pieces
Steve Finch's Math Constants Page Izabella Laba, Analysist
Mason Porter, Quantum Dynamics
(A VIGRE/GT postdoc)
Clark Alexander's Big Math Page
(A GT Undergrad)
Math News, from the U of Waterloo, CA
Peter Borwein, Computationalist Extraordinar David Eppstein's Geometry Junkyard

And check out the The KaBol the Cool Math Site of the Week, at a site hosted by the Candadian Mathematical Society. Or, for the all--inclusive approach, check out Penn State's Math Lists Page.

Math Societies

AMS: American Math Scoiety MAA: Math Association of America
SIAM: Society of Indutrial and Applied Math SACNAS: Chicano and Native American
African Mathematical Union CAARMS: Africans and Americans

Study Abroad Links

  • Study Abroad Programs can be an excellent way to broaden your undergraduate education. And your options are far greater than just Georgia Tech's study abroad program.

  • An especially interesting one for mathematics is held in Budapest Semester in Mathematics. Hungary has produced a large number of excellent mathematicians, making this a program with excellent promise. David Eger, Casey Warmbrand and GT grad student Adam Marcus have participated in this program in recent years. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis so plan ahead.

  • Russia has also produced an astonishing number of mathematicians, and before the break up of the Soviet Union, had one of the most accomplished math education programs in the world. A semester in Moscow would add a great deal to your math education. There are Grants available for this study abroad! Elizabeth Sanders participated in this program in the Fall 2002 Semester, and did so on scholarship. These scholarships are still availible. This program runs in both semesters.

  • David Eger supplied a link to this web site for scholarships for International study. One of them, the Regents Scholarship is open to all GT students.

  • If you don't want to go as far away as Budapest or Moscow, check out the excellent Penn State program, Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters ( MASS). The head of this program, Professor Sergei Tabchnikov, has one of the most outstanding records in mathematical education and outreach around. The style of the program is that it has a three to four of the very well known professors at Penn State lead special emphasis classes. There is in addition a weekly seminar, with outside speakers. This program has funds to support student's participation in the program. If you have HOPE at GT, they can match it! that is, your tution would be zero!

  • Elizabeth Sanders on the "Math in Moscow" Fall 2002Program

    The Math in Moscow program was very good for me. I have been interested in Russia since high school, and, therefore jumped at the opportunity to spend a semester there. Simply living in the country and gaining a perspective on the different way of life made the program worth attending. Mathematically, though, the experience was also extraordinary. The program is small (in my semester, there were only ten students), and, therefore, the classes are too. My largest math class had only four students. The lectures are long, and very intense. Each of my classes was three hours per week, and they were either divided into two 90 minute sessions on different days, or simply all three hours together with a 15 minute break in the middle. The administration is considering spreading the classes out more, though, as we complained about the long ones. Being so small, the professors grasp quickly where your mathematical strengths and weaknesses lie, and how you compare to the other students in the class, and they do not hesitate to acknowledge a student?s weaknesses in class. This is simply a cultural difference that I was not prepared for. Grades are posted publicly, and a professor will announce a grade or recommend a tutor to a student without privacy. In this way, it is a much more straightforward system, but it did throw all of us back at first. There was a difficulty acquiring math books in English, so most of our classes had no books and were based entirely on the lectures. This is another complaint that many of us had and that the administration will soon fix. The individualized attention, though, was remarkable. One student had already taken many of the classes offered, so two classes were created solely for him. Also, some of my exams were oral between the student and the professor, which requires a far greater understanding of the subject than would a written exam. I do feel that I grew mathematically in this semester more than any previously.

    My time in Russia was the most challenging semester of my education so far. The classes were difficult, the level of mathematics taught was higher than any I had experienced, and there was the challenge of adjusting to a new situation and culture. Despite that, though, I am very glad that I went, and would recommend the program to anyone. The professors and administration care about the students, and want their program to be great. They are determined to maintain the small class sizes, and to cater to the students? needs.

    Part of an email from David, while at Budapest Semesters in Mathematics: BSM is outstanding!  Highly reccommended for Math majors......Budapest is wonderful!  They're using Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis for  their Measure theory course and my goodness -- it is one of the most beautiful texts I have ever seen!

    A longer piece is is at David's web site.

    Online Books and Papers

  • The Preprint ARXIV. The world's leading Math/Physics Preprint Arcive. And absolutely free. Used by a large percentage of the research community.

  • The American Math Society runs an excellent series of books called "Student Mathematical Library." The book by Vassiliev on topology and and the book by Mendes-France and Tennenbaum on Number Theory are excellent. You can peruse the titles yourself.
  • TeX Support

    TeX is the essential typsetting, markup language for writing technical documents of all types. To use it, the first thing you need is a text editor with powerful syntax highlighting. If you are a Emacs, or Vim challenged person (like myself) you can use my current personal favorite is jEdit. It has ports to all major platforms, and a powerful set of features. This site was entirely hand editied with jedit. There are a range of other options of course, and I will leave it to you to find them. But do try to avoid WYSIWYG approaches to TeX. While even GNU has one in development, if you write the code yourself, you can structure the document in ways that permit easy changes of appearance and logical strucuture.

    After that, you will need an introduction to the language. I don't have an excellent suggestion here (and am looking for one). Try the American Math Society TeX Resources page for a jumping off place. Or, go to the LaTeX Project Home. Or The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network.

    Putnam Exam

    The William Lowell Putnam Exam is an annual competition, on the first saturday in December. Approximately 3000 undergraduates take the exam each year. The consists of two 3 hours sessions, with 6 problems in each session. Each problem is worth 10 points. The median score is a 2/120. You need to practice to do well on this exam.

    Each university can select a team to represent it. Prizes are offered for the top teams, and best individua l test takers. Over the 60 years of the exam, many of the top participants have gone on to bright careers in mathematics and the sciences in general. Several have gone on to win the Nobel prize in Physics.

    Each year, Professor Wang runs weekly problem sessions to practice for the Putnam. We are offiereing one credit hour for participation in the practice sessions, by signing up for a Math 4801 course. A history of most of the prize winners is availible as the Mathematical Association of America website.


    The MAA also offers a book of problem solutions. (The authors of this book are no slakers!)

    The current competition committee consists of :

    Assoc. Dir. Gerald L. Alexanderson
    Andrew Granville
    Director Leonard F. Klosinski
    Assoc. Dir. Loren C. Larson
    Carl Pomerance
    James Propp
    Brian Walden
    Three of these, Granville, Pomerance, and Klosinski, are top numbertheorists. James Prop made it into last semesters Blog with a fiendish self-referential exam. Some of the majors claimed that I was trying to sabatoge their degrees by pointing this out to them during finals week.