Research Experience for Undergraduates

Research Opportunities REU Slides

Senior Project/Course Credit Presidential Scholarship VIGRE/GT REU FACES Scholar Other REU's GT's Undergrad Research Site
Past Projects Past REUs Other Links
Senior Project/Course Credit. Course Credit can be earned for Undergraduate Research.

The Senior Project: These are the two 2 hour courses Math 4080, Math 4090. The courses have sections for each faculty member in Mathematics. Sections for other facutly members of Georgia Tech can be arranged. The Senior Project is required for the Discrete Math majors, and these courses are availible to all GT students. The projects are arranged between the student and a faculty sponsor. Follow this link for a history of past projects.

Course Credit. There are other course deignated for Undergradaute Research. They fall at the sophomore (2698/2699) and senior level (4698/4699) The `99' courses are for course credit, for from 1 to 12 hours credit. The `99' courses are for paid research, and show up on the students transcript as courses without hours credit. These courses are availible to all GT students.

Presidential Scholarship. The Presidental Scholarships are funded by Georgia Tech's commitment to including more students in undergraduate research. The application process is simple: A faculty sponsor and a one page project description. Several of our students have had them: Jeremey Barrett, Elizabeth Norenberg. Follow the link above for more information. Application deadlines are roughly:
FALL August 30
SPRING December 2
SUMMER April 1
This is a very large program. It is open to all disciplines, all students, regardless of citizenship, and should be used as a stepping stone to other funding opportunities.

Past students who have had this award include: Nick Bronn (Summer 2001), Elizabeth Norenberg, Ryan Hynd (2002), Vivien Chua (Fall 2003) among others. Math has not been strongly represented in this program, due to the presence of the VIGRE program.


This program will be running in the summers, until 2004, with spots for approximately 10 students. It is funded through the National Science Foundation, and the VIGRE grant.

Faces Scholarship. The Facilitating Academic Careers in Engineering and Science (FACES) program is a collaborative effort between the College of Engineering and College of Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Morehouse College, and Spelman College designed to significantly increase the number of African American students receiving doctoral degrees in engineering and science fields and ultimately increase the number of these individuals entering the professoriate. Ryan Hynd has received one of these fellowships, in the Spring 2002 semester.

Other REUs. Research Experience for Undergraduates have spread across the nation, and have a great deal of support from the National Science Foundation. There are two options here.

1. NSF REU Supplement. The NSF will frequently add an REU supplement to a current NSF grant held by a professor. This takes a little leg work by the sponsoring professor, and results in a REU that is very similar to the VIGRE/GT program, without the requirement on citizenship. Several of our students have had this, including Blair Dowling, Thor Johnson, and Nick Bronn.

2. Attend an REU at another University or Institution. REUs are up and running on a regular basis at many universities around the country. Literally, you can take your pick, from Washington State, to Puerto Rico. Several of our students have participated in these programs: Clark Alexander (2002), Patty Pichardo (2001), Lauren Hansen (2000). Here is how to find out about them:

NSF REUs NSA's REU (with Mid Oct deadline) AMS Internships List Office of Naval Research Internships
Deadline early January

Some of these programs are quite competitive to get into. If you are making applications, you might need to make several of them! Other programs are targeted to specific groups: Hispanics, or African--American for instance. Ask for advice.

These are some of the better known programs.
WPI DIMACS Williams College
Cornell Univeristy Park City, Utah

Other programs and links

NASA Research
Late January Deadline
Minorities Academic Opportunities Program
Industrial problems.
Not good for GT students, since the end date is two weeks into the GT Fall semester.
Harvard Program in Quantitative Stats
Special Emphasis on Minorities. Only for the month of June. Feb 15 deadline.
IAS Program For Women in Mathematics
Deadline in Mid March
Edge Program for Women, Deadline of Early March,
Targets graduating seniors and first year grad students
Summer Math Program for Women
Targets Freshmen and Sophmore level students
A Student's Guide to Math REUs
The Harvard Math Club Guide to REUs Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
Held in Early February every year
GWU's Program for Women SIMU targeted to Hispanics
Not running in Summer 2003. :-(
Rose Hulman Undergrad math conference
Held Mid March, for the last 20 years
Earth and Atmospheric Science REU, at Columbia University
Yes, they recruit Math Majors.

National Security Agency REU Program Announcement

Email below is taken for the Summer '03 program. This is a long running REU, so most of the details are probably still accurate. Note that the deadline is very early. If you are admitted, expect a 30 page security clearance form to arrive about Thanksgiving. The first people to get clearence get into the program.

Work in the program is security related, so you can't take your work with you. And the pay is considerably higher than many other REUs. Robert Pruvenok was admitted to the Summer '03 program, and as of this writing doesn't have the security clearance.

PLEASE POST ***************PLEASE POST***************PLEASE POST

                        THE DIRECTOR'S SUMMER PROGRAM
                        THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY


                Mrs. Jacqueline A. Holmgren, Program Administrator

                ***********DEADLINE IS 15 OCTOBER*************

The Director's Summer Program is the National Security Agency's
premier outreach effort to the very best undergraduate mathematics
majors in the country.  Each summer we invite 25 exceptional math
students to participate in a 12-week program where they collaborate
with each other and with NSA mathematicians on mission-critical
problems.  Admission to the program is highly competitive and is
intended primarily for students between their junior and senior
year, but exceptional freshman and sophomores will also be
considered.  Graduating seniors will be considered too, but they
must be enrolled in a mathematics graduate program for the fall.
Students will be paid a salary based on experience and year in
school.  Minimum requirements are one full year of abstract algebra
and one full year of analysis, or equivalent.  Computer background,
especially C or C++, is desirable but not required.

The goals of the Director's Summer Program are to:

        * Introduce the future leaders of the U.S. mathematics
        community to the Agency's mission and share with them the
        excitement of working on mathematics problems of national

        * Provide a deep understanding of the vital role that
        mathematics plays in enabling the Agency to tackle a diverse
        set of technical challenges,

        * Encourage bright undergraduate mathematics majors to continue
        their study of mathematics and pursue careers in the
        mathematical sciences,

        and, of course, to

        * Provide solutions to current operational problems.

The students participating in the program work on a broad range of
problems involving applications of Abstract Algebra, Geometry,
Number Theory, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Probability, Statistics,
and Analysis.  For the first two weeks of the summer, lectures on
modern cryptologic mathematics are given.  After the lectures, the
students are presented with about ten current problems and choose
one or two as the focus for their research.  All research is
documented in a series of papers written by the students near the
end of the summer.

Throughout the summer, students develop mathematical theory, apply
what they learn to obtain real-time solutions, and experience the
excitement of success built on hard work and innovation.  Most
students find the work at NSA very exciting and challenging and many
decide to return for another summer.  State of the art computing
resources are available to all students.  For the most part
programming is done in C in a UNIX environment.  Computational
algebra packages including MATHEMATICA, MATLAB, MAGMA, MAPLE are
available in addition to a variety of statistics packages.

Because of the lengthy security processing required, the deadline
for applications is 15 October each year for the following summer.
To apply, students simply send a resume, at least two letters of
recommendation from faculty members familiar with their work, and a
copy of transcripts through the current academic year.  **Students
must be U.S.  citizens.  The Director's Summer Program is an
extremely rewarding summer experience!  All information should be
sent to:  Department of Defense, National Security Agency, 9800
Savage Road, Fort George G.  Meade, MD 20755-6515, Attn:  R1 (DSP),
Suite 6515.

For additional information about the Director's Summer Program, call
Mrs.  Jacquie Holmgren, Program Administrator at (301) 688-0983 or
send e-mail to


Jacquie Holmgren
DSP Program Administrator
(301) 688-0983 work
(301) 688-0689 fax